Spirituality is a powerful belief system that allows you to unlock your inner spark and potential.
It is the one thing that makes all the difference.
Nothing is random or meaningless
Our spirituality, whether we recognize it or not, is at the core of who we are. Each and every one of us is a spiritual being living a human life. We were not meant to go about our daily life believing that we are alone and that nothing of substance exists beyond what our eyes can see.
“Spirituality is at the core of who we are; we are each a spiritual being living a human life.”
When you allow yourself to be spiritual, you allow yourself to have hope in something greater. You understand that there are infinite solutions at any given moment, even if these solutions are beyond your comprehension. You give yourself the chance to believe in all the possibilities, and to see the grand design of the world around you.
What’s more, you’re suddenly able to see your own role in this grand design (which is an irreplaceable role, and one that requires you to become your best self).
Although many of us don’t realize this, spirituality is neither complex nor critical. You don’t have to go to a temple or church in order to express your faith. You don’t even have to formally pray. All that is required is that you choose to begin living your life with an open mind and heart.
This may sound cliche, but it’s true: when you choose to open your mind and heart to the possibilities of the universe, peace and healing will appear for you. Love will overcome you. Incredible things will begin to happen in your life.
“When you open your mind and heart to the possibilities of the universe, peace and healing will appear for you.”
There is no rule book when it comes to spirituality. There is no right or wrong way. Don’t let anyone tell y”
There is no rule book when it comes to spirituality. There is no right or wrong way. Don’t let anyone tell you that you must believe in certain things, or that there is a “better” way to believe. Your faith is whatever you want it to be.
✨ You can choose to believe that you have been divinely guided every moment of your life (no matter the struggles and heartbreaks you’ve encountered).
✨ You can choose to believe that everyone has a soul and is worthy, good, and full of love (no matter the bad things they may have done).
✨ You can choose to believe that the universe is an immeasurable source of knowledge and power that’s inherently loving and kind, and always looking out for you (no matter your past or previous beliefs).
You never have to explain, defend, or convince. All you have to do is believe. All you have to do is love.
“To be spiritual means answering one, simple question: Do you believe there is more?”
Do you believe there is more to this universe than humanity understands? Do you believe healing and miracles are not only possible, but probable? Do you believe that life is sacred, that nature is sacred, and that you are sacred?
People like to complicate it, but spirituality really is quite simple. It is about you, remembering who you really are— a beautiful soul— and believing there is so much more to this universe than meets the eye.
Whenever you feel disconnected from your soul, I urge you to go outside to be reminded of the power of creation. Feel the sun on your face, the breeze on your skin, and the dirt underneath your feet. Close your eyes. Take a long, deep breath. Feel the power of the world around you.
Look at the sky, the flowers, the grass, the insects, and the droplets of rain water. What do you see?
When you begin to recognize the intentional design of creation, you will start seeing it everywhere you go.
The intricate veins of a leaf will no longer be something to overlook or dismiss. The bright pink-orange of a sunset will incite feelings of awe and admiration. Everywhere you look, you will begin seeing these tiny miracles.
Nature offers us a different, more holy view of the world. It allows you to escape the noise and chaos of everyday life and discover the truth.
And what is the truth?
That everything is perfectly created, there is an intentional design at hand, and nothing is random or meaningless.
“Everything is perfectly created, there is an intentional design at hand, and nothing is random or meaningless.”
With gratitude,
yes if you open things do appear!! I know this for a fact!!! Thank you for spreading this to may be help folks.