The Courage to Leap
Embrace change, confront fear, and unlock the beauty of life beyond your comfort zone
"Your discomfort is a sign that your life is growing and expanding, making room for new love and abundance.”
Let’s talk about the fear of change. The kind that grips you tight when you know something new is on the horizon. This “something” could even be a good thing. Good, even. But nonetheless, that familiar sense of anxiety takes over. You don’t want your life to change.
I know change is hard, even when good things are happening. Saying goodbye to certain phases of your life can feel like tiny heartbreaks, little endings you have to mourn quickly.
“Every change you survive, good and bad, is one more step toward becoming your best self.”
Many of us, including myself, are not even fully aware of just how traumatic change can be when it’s happening. It takes a toll, whether we are consciously aware of it or not.
This is a very small example, but a good one. I’ve been very much in my zone and rarely go anywhere besides spending time with myself and my thoughts. My life is quiet, and I’ve gotten used to it. However, every single time I get out and go somewhere new—no matter how calm and at peace I may feel—I always experience a slight unease for some time after I arrive. Change, even when it feels easy, has an undeniable effect on the body, mind, and heart.
But change is not an inherently negative thing (even the bad kind of change). If there is one thing I know, all change makes us stronger. It sounds awfully cliche, but that’s because it’s true. Every change you survive, both good and bad, is one more step in the direction of your best self. This is how we grow. This is how we keep living.
If you are not actively changing, you are dying. Just look at nature. Everything is always moving, growing, fluctuating, ebbing, and flowing. If you don’t move in harmony with everything around you, you don’t continue. You must learn to adapt to thrive. Humanity can learn so much from nature.
So, take a moment to ask yourself a few questions:
How can I grow with the changes in my life? What am I pushing back against, and why? What am I welcoming into my life and accepting with an open heart? How can I move forward in harmony, without resistance?
What if you took a deep breath and leaped? What if you decided to take a chance on yourself?
Imagine, just for a moment, that you are standing on the edge of a large cliff. Behind you is the familiar: the routine that feels safe and good, for the most part. Ahead of you is a deep and beautiful ocean, full of potential excitement and uncertainty. It’s tempting to step back, to retreat into your comfort zone. But what if you took a deep breath and leaped? What if you decided to take a chance on yourself?
Many of us choose not to leap. We take that step back, almost every day of our lives, in small and trivial moments. But these moments are neither small nor trivial. When you get in the habit of turning away because of fear, it becomes shockingly difficult to attract new experiences and growth into your life.
Those pesky negative voices in the back of your head start getting busy.
“What if I fail?”
“What if I make the wrong choice?”
“What if I get hurt?”
“What will other people think of me?”
“What if something bad happens?”
These thoughts can feel paralyzing at times, but you can silence them, if you want. You have the choice to begin telling a different story to yourself about who you are, one that is far more accurate at depicting your true capabilities.
It all starts with you. You can break the cycle, if you choose. You can say no to fear and yes to life.
You have the choice to say no to fear and yes to life—every single day.
Here’s where the magic happens: when you confront your fear instead of running from it, you give yourself the power to redefine what’s possible in your life.
Challenge yourself.
The next time that familiar sense of fear takes over, ask yourself what it would mean to push through and do the scary thing anyway. What new and beautiful things could be waiting for you just beyond your comfort zone?
Yes, change can feel terrifying, but it can also be a miracle in disguise. Just because something feels bad in the moment doesn’t mean wonderful things aren’t happening for you.
Your discomfort is a sign that your life is growing and expanding, making room for new love and abundance.
Trust in your ability to navigate the unknown. Remember that you have everything it takes to create the life you want.
"Change isn’t the end; it’s the beginning of something beautiful and transformative."
With gratitude
Luv it. A friend of mine a few decades ago use to say to me take a leap man..... I never forgot her. Definitely have taken some leaps. Always great to see you in the feed.
Great post, Neha. Yes, for some people, leaping is very easy, but not for others. For me, leaping happens when i'm sure i won't fail. It usually takes me longer to feel ready for doing so, and how do i ready myself? Simple, i choose challenges either based on my ability level or a little above it (and i don't pick challenges which are WAY above my ability level). In my opinion, the challenge's difficulty level= your ability level+1