Wow. 🤩 Beautiful and so true. Thanks for sharing such lovely wordsmithery. 💖 It’s hard to admit how sorrows can positively affect each of us. If we only let it help us bloom.

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Thank you for connecting 🤍

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Absolutely my pleasure! I’ve got to get a schedule going for myself. Where I’m interacting and reading at least a few times a week. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I’m not the best with time management.

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Absolutely no problem.. these days I was also not very active in here but trying to come with fresh pieces.

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Is the link in your bio to your website? I won’t go there at the moment, but was just wondering. I also see linked in and Instagram if I remember correctly. Best to you here on Substack!

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Best to you too 🌸

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I so needed this one tonight. Thank you.

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Glad to hear this helps you.

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